Man turned pretty old this weekend, so we decided to throw him a two-day surprise party to celebrate his respectful age. On Saturday we crowned him with an awesome crown entirely made by my little girl.After that we had him jump into the car, backpack ready and destination unknown. We had him drive around a little bit before taking him to the first stop-over: Japanese restaurant. Becca was superexcited to use chopsticks as her beloved Kung-Fu Panda does. We ate an unbelievable amount of sushi and then we had a walk on the riverside. When we came back , a home baked birthday cake and a couple of gifts were expecting our beloved Daddy.
Ma non finisce assolutamente qui! Domenica siamo partiti di buon ora e abbiamo accompagnato papà al Parco della preistoria di Rivolta d'Adda... così da fargli salutare i suoi coscritti dinosauri!!!!! Abbiamo trascorso una giornata piacevolissima e Pulcina si è divertita a dare da mangiare a cerbiatti e caprette e dare spettacolo nell'area giochi. Ci siamo rilassati tutti e quattro!
But the party wasn't over yet! On Sunday we left early and took Man to the Prehistoric Park in Rivolta d'Adda, so that he could say hello to someone so old as he is: dinosaurs! The day was amazing and my girl had a lot of fun, fed fawns and goats and played a lot in the playground. We all had time to enjoy our stay and relax.
Tanti tanti tanti auguri al nostro papà!!!!!!!Happy birthday to our Dad!!!!!
Grazie mille a te e ai bambini. Siete stati bravissimi! Un compleanno stupendo!