The last few days have been very busy and we haven't had any time to rest. My baby boy was baptized on Sunday and my girl spent her first week at the kindergarten along with me. This hot weather have us shut up in the children's bedroom with the air conditioner on and the whole week has gone before we realized.
Non ci sono molti progressi in campo creativo. Ho terminato il mio ricamo di Madame Chantilly, Ah l'amour (foto in alto), e ne sono orgogliosissima. Ho sbagliato a posizionare la gabbia e sono stata troppo pigra per disfarla. Mea culpa.
Time for crafting was very little. I finished stitching Ah l'amour by Madame Chantilly (picture above) and I love it. Even if I placed the cage wrong and was too lazy to unstitch it. Completely my fault.
Non appena avrò terminato gli altri progetti in corso d'opera mi dedicherò anche a Polka Dots Matrioska, adoro i pois, non so resistere!!!!!!!! Spero di farcela per questo autunno...
As soon as I'm done with my current WIPs I'm pretty sure I'll be stitching Polka Dots Matrioska. I have a soft spot for polka dots, I really can't resist! Maybe this fall...
Nel frattempo ho anche cominciato la seconda tappa del Sal 4 seasons de Il Coniglio nel Cappello... molto mooooolto lentamente!
I've also started the second part of the 4 seasons Sal hosted by Il Coniglio nel Cappello. Very very slooooooowly.
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