Il piano era di finire il quadro entro l'anniversario ricamando una frase la settimana... non ce l'ho fatta!!!! A volte tra un post e l'altro si mette di mezzo un po' troppa vita. Chi lo sa, magari per la fine dell'anno ce la farò.
Man and I, well, we fight. My harsh temper often meets his irreproachable attitude wed to his annoying paternalism and the result of it all, when we lose our balance, is usually me shouting out histerically and he throwing me dirty looks (well, now, since the children are around, we tend to fight silent wars made of petrifing stares). Don't ever sleep on it: talk, explain and fix it. Some years ago, before adopting this useful approach, I received a 7-pages-long hand-written condescending lecture from my then fiancé. I still keep it (as evidence). We argue, we make up and go to sleep. Relaxed, at peace, and, as always, in love.
According to my plans, I was to finish for our anniversary if I got to stitch one sentence per week. Well, I haven't had the chance to. Sometimes between a post and the next too much life happens. Who knows, maybe I'll be done for the end of the year...
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